What is Structured Cabling?
You may have heard the phrase “structured cabling” before, especially within the telecommunications world. This phrase is used in several different situations, including telephone system installation, the internet and network connectivity, and even computer data management. As a structured cabling contractor, this term gets right to the heart of what Streamline Telecom does for our clients.
So what exactly is structured cabling, and why is it so important?
What Structured Cabling is Not
To understand what structured cabling is, we must first understand what it is not. When most people think of cabling and connectivity, they’re often thinking of a direct Point A to Point B connection. For example, this would be like connecting a cable internet cord directly from the wall and into a modem.
In large connected offices, buildings, or a collection of wired condominiums, Point A to Point B connections, or “point to point” connections, are rarely functional. Larger needs demand bigger solutions, and that’s where structured cabling comes in.
What is Structured Cabling
Unlike point to point connectivity, structured cabling functions as an infrastructure with separate important components that work together to form one complete and, of course, structured system.
Structured cabling begins with one central originating point which provides necessary connectivity. From there, other units are connected in a chain-like fashion, one after another after another. Any changes, moves, or additions to the infrastructure can be done at the point of origination versus having to change each receiving unit one by one.
Additionally, the point of original connectivity may have several different connection paths to connect to, such as a building-wide telephone system. But the key to structured cabling is having a base in which all changes and maintenance will be done while maintaining a steady connection to all necessary points.
Importance and Benefits of Structured Cabling
While point to point cabling may seem like the easiest and most efficient route when it comes to cable management systems, this is rarely the case. As mentioned above, the ability to control all connections within a heavily connected building or office via one central point is highly important.
Having one central operation area versus several offers many benefits, including quick and efficient changes and maintenance as well as less downtime in these connections. With fewer steps comes less potential for human error, and with fewer human mistakes comes far less downtime or data loss.
Additionally, structured cable management comes with a high level of flexibility that point to point cabling simply doesn’t allow. With a structured infrastructure, growth and the need for additional cabling can easily be accommodated in one place and with less hassle, compared to point to point in which both areas at either end will need to be accessed during any changes.
The last benefit of structured cabling is one that may seem trivial: aesthetics. With a structured system, cables can be easily organized stored away, allowing for easier access and a cleaner overall look. Because of this, the life of cables and hardware will be also preserved due to the operations being done out of a single point.
Is Structured Cabling Right for Your Needs?
If your cable management system is messy and unorganized, creates more problems than it solves, or is often the cause of service downtime, structured cabling would be perfect for your needs.
While the switch from point to point connectivity to a structured cabling infrastructure may sound daunting, we at Streamline Telecom make it easier and more efficient than ever. If you’re ready to take control of your cabling system and reap all the benefits of working with a structured cabling contractor, contact us today and we’ll help you get started.